Building and Using Comparable Corpora for Multilingual Natural Language Processing von Serge Sharoff | ISBN 9783031313868

Building and Using Comparable Corpora for Multilingual Natural Language Processing

von Serge Sharoff, Reinhard Rapp und Pierre Zweigenbaum
Autor / AutorinSerge Sharoff
Autor / AutorinReinhard Rapp
Autor / AutorinPierre Zweigenbaum
Buchcover Building and Using Comparable Corpora for Multilingual Natural Language Processing | Serge Sharoff | EAN 9783031313868 | ISBN 3-031-31386-0 | ISBN 978-3-031-31386-8

Building and Using Comparable Corpora for Multilingual Natural Language Processing

von Serge Sharoff, Reinhard Rapp und Pierre Zweigenbaum
Autor / AutorinSerge Sharoff
Autor / AutorinReinhard Rapp
Autor / AutorinPierre Zweigenbaum

This book provides a comprehensive overview of methods to build comparable corpora and of their applications, including machine translation, cross-lingual transfer, and various kinds of multilingual natural language processing. The authors begin with a brief history on the topic followed by a comparison to parallel resources and an explanation of why comparable corpora have become more widely used. In particular, they provide the basis for the multilingual capabilities of pre-trained models, such as BERT or GPT. The book then focuses on building comparable corpora, aligning their sentences to create a database of suitable translations, and using these sentence translations to produce dictionaries and term banks. Then, it is explained how comparable corpora can be used to build machine translation engines and to develop a wide variety of multilingual applications.