Ekaterina von James Schofield | mit MP3-Audio-CD (Helbling Languages) | ISBN 9781902741925


mit MP3-Audio-CD (Helbling Languages)

von James Schofield
Buchcover Ekaterina | James Schofield | EAN 9781902741925 | ISBN 1-902741-92-7 | ISBN 978-1-902741-92-5
Level: B2-C1, für junge Erwachsene/Erwachsene


mit MP3-Audio-CD (Helbling Languages)

von James Schofield
„My name is Ekaterina. I am eleven years old. I am dead.“ is the mysterious message that continuously appears on the website of the mining company Seven Continents. Macey Church and Kiril Solokov from Capstan Consultants are called in to investigate what they assume is the work of a hacker, but uncover a trail of corporate and political corruption, greed and destruction that leads to a small mine in Kazbakistan. To uncover what is happening they must risk their reputations, jobs and lives, even though they fear that they are already too late.