Success with ILEC, mit 2 Audio-CDs von Nick Brieger | International Legal English Certificate (Helbling Languages) | ISBN 9781902741840

Success with ILEC, mit 2 Audio-CDs

International Legal English Certificate (Helbling Languages)

von Nick Brieger und Joanna Kosta
Autor / AutorinNick Brieger
Autor / AutorinJoanna Kosta
Buchcover Success with ILEC, mit 2 Audio-CDs | Nick Brieger | EAN 9781902741840 | ISBN 1-902741-84-6 | ISBN 978-1-902741-84-0

Success with ILEC, mit 2 Audio-CDs

International Legal English Certificate (Helbling Languages)

von Nick Brieger und Joanna Kosta
Autor / AutorinNick Brieger
Autor / AutorinJoanna Kosta
Test-preparation material available for Cambridge ESOL's ILEC. Provides five complete practice tests ti build students' confidence with the tests.
Success with ILEC provides practice material to help students prepare for the exam.
- the language skills tested in ILEC ie. reading, listening, writing and speaking - the techniquest required for ILEC, eg. Reading for gist, listening for detail, presenting written argument and discussing legal business - the question types found in ILEC, eg. Multiple choice, open cloze, word formation, listen and complete, presenting oral information
What is ILEC? ILEC (International Legal English Certificate) is a high-level language qualification for lawyers.
Key Features:
- 5 complete ILEC tests - Detailed explanation of each part of the ILEC test - Full answer key and audio script making it perfect for self-study - Sample answer sheet from Cambridge ESOL
Who is it for:
ILEC is an examination set at CEF levels B2 and C1. ILEC is the equivalent level to the Cambridge First Certificate in English and Certificate in Advanced English and assesses language skills in a legal context.