The Physics of Skiing von David Lind | Skiing at the Triple Point | ISBN 9781563963193

The Physics of Skiing

Skiing at the Triple Point

von David Lind und Scott P. Sanders
Autor / AutorinDavid Lind
Autor / AutorinScott P. Sanders
Buchcover The Physics of Skiing | David Lind | EAN 9781563963193 | ISBN 1-56396-319-1 | ISBN 978-1-56396-319-3
Physicists Skiers

The Physics of Skiing

Skiing at the Triple Point

von David Lind und Scott P. Sanders
Autor / AutorinDavid Lind
Autor / AutorinScott P. Sanders
Understanding the properties of snow and how it changes and interacts
with the skis will help you appreciate the special phenomena that
occur at the triple point, where the solid, liquid, and vapor phases
coexist. You'll learn about alpine, cross-country, and speed skiing
techniques, wax performance, and you'll get scientific data that is
not readily available on the technical specifications and performance
of ski equipment.
About the Author
David A. Lind is Professor of Physics at the University of Colorado in
Boulder. He has been both Chairman of the Department of Physics and
Director of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory, which he organized when he
came to Colorado in 1956. TOC: Preface; 1. Introduction: At the Triple Point; 2. Snow: The Playing
Field; 3. Equipment: Properties and Performance; 4. Alpine Skiing
Techniques: Gliding, Wedging, and carving; 5. Interactive Dynamics of
Alpine Maneuvers; 6. High-Performance Skiing; 7. Nordic Track, Cross-
Country, and Adventure Skiing; 8. Friction: Glide and Grab; 9.
Epilogue: Physics, Skiing, and the Future; Technotes; Glossary;
Bibliography; Subject Index