Blues Concerto von Eugénie R. Rocherolle | ISBN 9780757908729

Blues Concerto

von Eugénie R. Rocherolle
Buchcover Blues Concerto | Eugénie R. Rocherolle | EAN 9780757908729 | ISBN 0-7579-0872-1 | ISBN 978-0-7579-0872-9

Blues Concerto

von Eugénie R. Rocherolle
Ingenious rhythmic treatments, sparkling melodic and harmonic devices, and a brilliant cadenza demonstrate the creative resourcefulness that makes Rocherolle one of America's leading composers. Drawing from her rich New Orleans roots, she creates a dramatic work for two pianos with a touch of Gershwin, a hint of jazz, and an imaginatively developed blues theme permeating throughout. This will be a great addition to any pianist's collection. A Federation Festivals 2016-2020 selection. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.