Futuretainment von Mike Walsh | Yesterday the World Changed, Now it's Your Turn | ISBN 9780714848754


Yesterday the World Changed, Now it's Your Turn

von Mike Walsh
Buchcover Futuretainment | Mike Walsh | EAN 9780714848754 | ISBN 0-7148-4875-1 | ISBN 978-0-7148-4875-4


Yesterday the World Changed, Now it's Your Turn

von Mike Walsh

Futuretainment offers a fresh approach to the role of the entertainment industry within the contemporary world of digital media. It looks at how the proliferation of concepts such as MySpace, YouTube, iTunes and Google, to name but a few, have come to dominate over previous channels of marketing and communication. Today, the consumers set the rules, assuming the role of business professionals themselves and thus transforming the entertainment industry. This book will be a business-minded examination of the evolving trends in media, how they will affect businesses and how to plan for a future that revolves increasingly around the demands of the consumer. It will also offer an ‘insight’ at the end of each chapter, which will act as a concise synopsis of the practicalities discussed in that chapter.