Changing Educational Paradigms: New Methods, Directions, and Policies | ISBN 9783631803417

Changing Educational Paradigms: New Methods, Directions, and Policies

von Sakir Cinkir
Buchcover Changing Educational Paradigms: New Methods, Directions, and Policies  | EAN 9783631803417 | ISBN 3-631-80341-9 | ISBN 978-3-631-80341-7

Changing Educational Paradigms: New Methods, Directions, and Policies

von Sakir Cinkir
EJER Congress is one of the most innovative and interdisciplinary conferences in the field of education. It brings together a wide range of researchers in the field of education from all over the world. The chapters in this book cover varied topics concerning the new educational paradigms, research methods, new directions, and policies including teacher training, professional development, drama, creativity, special education needs, educational management and leadership, academic achievement, pedagogy, teaching language, and quality of life in the field of educational research as well as other related interdisciplinary areas.