Evidence of Islamic mysticism, in particular its Persian and Turkish version, is shown in a virtually immeasurable wealth of literary and lyric works. Given this dominance of the word, little attention has yet been paid to the possibility that mystic mental images might also have translated into ornament, e. g. in portal decor. Substantially differing from Islamic Orthodox art the building statuary of the early 13th century Friday Mosque and its affiliated hospital in the East Anatolian town of Divriği has until recently been dismissed as exoticism or “baroque degeneration”. Nevertheless it was precisely those strange prominent structures that helped the historic building gain the prestigious title of “World Cultural Heritage Site” in 1986 even though an iconographic evaluation or interpretation of the peculiar figures was never conducted. Traugott Wöhrlin, a construction expert and design teacher familiar with ornamental symbolism, has never been in doubt that the apparently exalted design language is based upon ideological and most likely religious beliefs. During his numerous encounters with the vast variety of Islamic culture and religion in Oriental countries he also gained insight into the mystic dimensions of Islam which led him to presume that the art of Divriği was related to Sufitum. Encouraged to pursue this path by Annemarie Schimmel, the ‘grande dame’ of German Islamic studies who died in 2003, he created an intensive graphic inventory of many ornamental details while gradually deciphering a mystic imagery. Without violating Islamic aniconism yet not submitting to the dogmatic constraints of Orthodox art this both abstract and precise language presents love as the energy source for all life and thus as the core of the divine. Apart from presenting the results of his studies the author describes the long and partly laborious path towards achieving them, his forays into historic and geographic contexts as well as the necessary analysis of rules and manifestations of Islamic Orthodox art and fundamentals of Islamic mysticism and other religious movements of local importance. Since the book consciously foregoes a strictly scientific format and includes the author’s subjective experiences and perceptions it also becomes interesting and easy to read for amateurs.
Divrigi von Traugott Wöhrlin | Unterwegs zur türkischen Mystik in Stein | ISBN 9783895009815