Information and Communication Technologies in Engineering and Business von Olaf Bassus | Volume (1) | ISBN 9783866649019

Information and Communication Technologies in Engineering and Business

Volume (1)

von Olaf Bassus, Andreas Ahrens und Christoph Lange
Autor / AutorinOlaf Bassus
Autor / AutorinAndreas Ahrens
Autor / AutorinChristoph Lange
Buchcover Information and Communication Technologies in Engineering and Business | Olaf Bassus | EAN 9783866649019 | ISBN 3-86664-901-0 | ISBN 978-3-86664-901-9

Information and Communication Technologies in Engineering and Business

Volume (1)

von Olaf Bassus, Andreas Ahrens und Christoph Lange
Autor / AutorinOlaf Bassus
Autor / AutorinAndreas Ahrens
Autor / AutorinChristoph Lange