Analyse der atmosphärischen CO2-Konzentrationen am Beispiel der Stadt Essen
Analyse der atmosphärischen CO2-Konzentrationen
von Sascha HenningerDer vorliegende Band 23 der Essener Ökologischen Schriften beschäftigt sich mit der räumlich und zeitlich hoch aufgelösten Erfassung der Kohlendioxidkonzentrationen innerhalb der Stadthindernisschicht.
Das atmosphärische Kohlendioxid gilt als eines der Spurengase, die für den anthropogenen Klimawandel verantwortlich gemacht werden. Vor allem Ballungsräume wie das Ruhrgebiet zählen wegen des verstärkten Einsatzes fossiler Energieträger zu den potenziellen CO2-Quellen. Bisher gibt es nur wenige Untersuchungen, die sich mit der bodennahen, urbanen CO2-Immissionsstruktur befassen. Am Beispiel der Stadt Essen werden daher die auftretenden CO2-Konzentrationen in Abhängigkeit verschiedener variabler und invariabler Einflussgrößen analysiert. Die dieser Arbeit zu Grunde liegenden Ergebnisse beruhen auf einem einjährigen Messzeitraum (Dezember 2002 bis November 2003) sowie Vergleichsmessungen im Juli und im Dezember 2004. Die Erfassung des Spurengases erfolgte mithilfe eines mobilen Messlabors.
Mittels der Ergebnisse der Kohlendioxidmessungen kann schließlich nachgewiesen werden, dass das urbane CO2-Volumenmischungsverhältnis aufgrund der entwickelten und angewandten Messmethodik sowohl räumlich als auch zeitlich hoch aufgelöst wiedergegeben werden kann. Dies eröffnet die Möglichkeit, aufgrund einer statistisch abgesicherten Reproduzierbarkeit der Daten, die Abhängigkeit der CO2-Konzentrationen von räumlich variierenden Flächennutzungen und der Jahreszeit darzustellen.
Urban C02 concentrations are analyzed both temporally and spatially. The investigations in-volved measurements with high temperal and spatial resolution in an urban area in order to obtain information on ground level C02 concentrations in the city and beyond. For this purpose, a total of 44 measurements were made between December 2002 and November 2003. Meas-urements were made on different weekdays, weekends, and different times of the day. All measurements were made in the city of Essen which can be considered representative of the Ruhr region. In order to prove the dependence of C02 concentrations on regionally varying land use patterns and seasonal variations, mobile measurements were made that have the advantage of keeping track of the typically urban inhomogeneous distributions of C02 immission concen-trations. In addition to the measurements, also stationary C02 measurements with high temporal resolution were made in a more rural site in the regional vicinity. The evaluations showed that the urban C02 volume mixing ratio is well reflected in mobile measurements, and that the data collective provides reproducible and statistically representative values. This opens up the possi-bility of measuring and representing C02 concentrations as a function of regionally varying land use patterns and seasons.
Urban C02 concentrations are analyzed both temporally and spatially. The investigations in-volved measurements with high temperal and spatial resolution in an urban area in order to obtain information on ground level C02 concentrations in the city and beyond. For this purpose, a total of 44 measurements were made between December 2002 and November 2003. Meas-urements were made on different weekdays, weekends, and different times of the day. All measurements were made in the city of Essen which can be considered representative of the Ruhr region. In order to prove the dependence of C02 concentrations on regionally varying land use patterns and seasonal variations, mobile measurements were made that have the advantage of keeping track of the typically urban inhomogeneous distributions of C02 immission concen-trations. In addition to the measurements, also stationary C02 measurements with high temporal resolution were made in a more rural site in the regional vicinity. The evaluations showed that the urban C02 volume mixing ratio is well reflected in mobile measurements, and that the data collective provides reproducible and statistically representative values. This opens up the possi-bility of measuring and representing C02 concentrations as a function of regionally varying land use patterns and seasons.