The Politics of International Trade in the 21st Century | Actors, Issues and Regional Dynamics | ISBN 9781403904836

The Politics of International Trade in the 21st Century

Actors, Issues and Regional Dynamics

herausgegeben von Wyn Grant und D. Kelly
Herausgegeben vonWyn Grant
Herausgegeben vonD. Kelly
Buchcover The Politics of International Trade in the 21st Century  | EAN 9781403904836 | ISBN 1-4039-0483-9 | ISBN 978-1-4039-0483-6

The Politics of International Trade in the 21st Century

Actors, Issues and Regional Dynamics

herausgegeben von Wyn Grant und D. Kelly
Herausgegeben vonWyn Grant
Herausgegeben vonD. Kelly
International trade policy lies at the heart of conflicts between north and south and the US and EU in contemporary debates about the international economy. The World Trade Organization has become a target for criticism for non-governmental organizations and tensions between trade policy and other key policy areas such as security and environmental policy have increased. This authoritative collection provides a comprehensive coverage of this key area of international policy in terms of both geographical coverage and key issues.