Foundations of Computational Science von James E. Gentle | ISBN 9780387004501

Foundations of Computational Science

von James E. Gentle
Buchcover Foundations of Computational Science | James E. Gentle | EAN 9780387004501 | ISBN 0-387-00450-5 | ISBN 978-0-387-00450-1
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Foundations of Computational Science

von James E. Gentle
Computer simulation has become, alongside experimentation and abstract
reasoning, a third major tool of science. The student in the
computational sciences needs a background in numerical analysis, and
it is one of the objectives of this text to provide that background
This book covers many of the traditional areas of numerical analysis
as well as topics in software development and methods of Monte Carlo
simulations. It is designed to serve both as a textbook for a course
in numerical methods for students in natural sciences and as a
reference for scientists whose research involves numerical
computations and simulations.
Exercises comprise an important part of the text. The mathematical
prerequisites include real analysis and linear algebra, and the text
does assume some familiarity with computer programming.